Welcome to Brighouse-2-short

Welcome to Brighouse.

Hello and welcome to Brighouse my name is Brian Stewart a resident of Bailiff Bridge I would like to give you an insight into some things and a bit of history of this town and its villages that you may or may not know.

Before we go any further I would first like to make some apologies for not only my bad grammar but also for my broad Yorkshire dialect and sense of humor that sometimes comes out in my written words as well as my spoken words, I know many people struggle to understand me at the best of times (even my family cannot understand what I am going on about sometimes). Anyway I hope you can make sense of this website?

If you find any mistakes or errors please let me know, ( info on the back of a £10 note please). I would also be grateful if anybody could supply copyright free photos or postcards of the village in the past. I would also like to thank my family, friends and many other people who have helped me obtain the information and photos for this website along with local businesses for their paid listings that enables me to publish this website, if possible please try to support these advertisers.

This website is provided for free for anybody to view without any offending pop ups or a bombardment of cookies, all the material and photos contained on this website are covered by copyright and it is illegal to copy, reproduce or use any of the contents on this website in any way without the written consent of the owner, furthermore all contributed copyright photos and material on this website are acknowledged to the owner of any such copyright. I would also like to thank all the people who have given me information and photos of Brighouse and I would be extremely grateful if anybody could please send any original past photos, postcards or maybe just a few memories of Brighouse or any area around Brighouse for me to include in this website. Please Enjoy this website along with the town of Brighouse and its villages. E&OE.©.