Brighouse Bus Station

Brighouse Bus Station.

Brighouse bus Station is situated on the North side of town between the Ludenscheid Link A643 (named after the towns Twin although many locals call it the bus station bypass) and the town’s main street Commercial Street.

The old bus station was situated behind the Brighouse Town Hall and bus access from Market Street into the large station square with exiting via Briggate, although moving the bus station to the old main market site was perhaps a good move as far as taking the big faster bus’s away from the town centre, but the old bus station site should had been the new site for the outside market that made way for the new bus station, originally there was also a small outdoor market at the end of King Street between the Co-op and the Salvation Army Church, which is now a car park

Not really sure when the bus station moved from the Market Street (but maybe 1970s? Please let us know?) all that we can tell you is the bus station had a 2.4 Million Pound rebuild or makeover in 2009 to the new Metro Station.

Bus services from Brighouse bus station cover most towns and cities around the area, with community bus’s covering local out of the way routes and National Express with a daily service to London.

More Details Metro Direct:  Ganny Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 1BL
Phone enquiries: Metro Line 0113 245 7676